Here we report all MSM changes thorugh all different releases on: MSM github
2.1 - 28-10-2019¶
Add water MC step
Deprecate receptor.pdb + .mae input
Paper released
Fix minor bugs
2.0 - 21-02-2019¶
Improved installation (conda still not supported due to commercial dependencies)
Add the possibility of performing several iterations in one job
Add the possibility of performing a MSM estimation after each run
Add a new MultipleBox module to limit exploration
Improved control file
Fixing minor bugs
1.1.0 - 02-10-2018¶
Kill simulation by time and assess MSM and convergence
Minor improvements on implementation
Build better documentation
1.0.3 - 4-07-2018¶
.xtc output implemented
Make control file automatically for each system
Other Minor Changes
1.0.2 - 4-05-2018¶
Add the possibility of running MSM with two different levels of exhaustiveness
Add rotamer resolution option
Add the possibility of specifying output folder name
Include first version of tICA
1.0.1 - 3-16-2018¶
First automatic pipeline: pele exit + pele exploration + MSM analysis