.. NBD documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Dec 4 11:58:09 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Software ========= Summary ---------- NBD main technologies are: - PELE++ (`PELE docs `_) - PELE Platform (`PELE Platform `_) - Adaptive PELE Simulation (`Adaptive PELE docs `_) - Frag PELE Simulation (`FrAG PELE docs `_) - MSM PELE Simulation (`MSM PELE docs `_) - NAMD Molecular Dynamics (`NAMD docs `_) - analogs finder (`analogs finder docs `_) - modtox AI (`modtox AI docs `_) - schrodinger platform (`schrodinger docs `_) - GROMACS (`GROMACS docs `_) - PLUMED (`PLUMED docs `_) Job Launching Templates ------------------------- .. toctree:: templates/documentation PELE --------- Pele is our in-house commercial software that we sell and use for speeding up DD projects .. toctree:: pele/documentation .. toctree:: peleplatform/documentation .. toctree:: adaptive/documentation NAMD ---------- NAMD is used to perform molecular dynamics over several systems to study their dynamics over time .. toctree:: MD/documentation Schrodinger ------------------ Schrodinger is used for virtual screening purposes and system preparation. .. toctree:: Schrodinger/documentation Python packages --------------------- A miscelaneous of several Python Packages built along the years .. toctree:: python/packages GROMACS ------------------ GROMACS is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics. .. toctree:: GROMACS/documentation PLUMED ------------------ PLUMED is a plugin that works with a large number of molecular dynamics codes. PLUMED can also work as a Command Line Tool to perform analysis on trajectories saved in most of the existing formats. .. toctree:: PLUMED/documentation PSI4 ---- PSI4 is the latest in the family of PSI Quantum Chemistry programs, it's mainly developed at Dave Scherrill's lab. at Georgia Tech. It's focused on the highest levels of Quantum Chemistry calculations such as fullCI, Coupled Cluster Theory and various DFT recipes. .. toctree:: PSI4/documentation Nice DCV ------------ NICE DCV is the remote 3D visualization technology that enables Technical Computing users to connect to OpenGL applications running in a data center. (https://aws.amazon.com/es/hpc/dcv/) .. toctree:: Nice/nice Tests ---------- Here you will find information of the automatic tests run on nbdcalc01 computer .. toctree:: tests/index New Comers ------------- Here you will find how to set up your laptop to access NBD facilities .. toctree:: new_comers/index AlphaFold ------------ Here you will find how to run AlphaFold .. toctree:: alphafold/alphafold Structure Filtering ---------------------- Here you will find how to run a structure filtering .. toctree:: filtering/filtering Dabble ------ Here you will find how to run Dabble .. toctree:: dabble/dabble Protein-protein docking ----------------------- Here you will find information about several PPI software installed in our cluster .. toctree:: ppi/ppi