IT infrastructure

Private Cluster

The NBD Linux Cluster consists of 6 computing nodes with 2 GPUS NVIDIA GeForceTM GTX 1080 and 1 xeon Gold Processors, for a total of 156 cores (312 HT threads). Includes 2 GPUs for offloading calculations.

  • /shared/scratch: To compute

  • /shared/work: Large storage

  • /shared/home-nbdcalc01/: What used to be the office machine (28 cpus)

  • /shared/data-nbdcalc01/: Libraries of compounds (ZINC, fragments…)

  • /shared/data-ndbdata01/users/user/: Individual storage

  • /shared/data-nbddata01/common/: Shared storaged & Project management

To connect: ssh -X username@

Queue system

The cluster uses Slurm workload manager to schedule jobs and allocate resources. It is fairly simple to use, you only have to learn a handful of commands:

sbatch # to submit a file to the queue
squeue # to see all jobs on the queue
scancel job_id # to cancel a job with specific ID, e.g. scancel 10240

If you want to dive in deeper, check out the official Slurm documentation.

You can also run programs in interactive mode, e.g.

interactive -n 20 # launch interactive with 20 CPUs available
module load module_name # to load a specific module, e.g. module load Python/3.7.0-foss-2018a


The RES grant allows us to use MN4 to run our in house ModTox project. (MD&PELE for academic purposes/publications)

ModTox project

To connect: You need to ask for an account. Please, contact with


  • A daily backup is done from /shared/home-nbdcalc01/ and /shared/data-nbdcalc01/ to NAS Synology.

  • A daily backup is done /shared/data-nbddata01/ to NAS Synology

  • The backup is automatically done at 00:00 sending a daily report to support

The backup keeps:

  • A daily backup for the last 14 days

  • A weekly backup for the last 8 weeks

  • A monthly backup for the last 12 months

  • A yearly backup for all years

This means that we have daily granularity up to 2 weeks, weekly granulatiry up to 2 month, month granularity up to 1 year and year granularuty for past years.

In order to get backed up files contact with HPCNow support