Visualize through vpn efficiently

To render&visualize GUIs of any software (maestro, vmd, pymol …) thorugh vpn you must follow the next steps:

1- Activate the vpn with your password

2- Connect to with your normal useraccount&password

3- On the left panel go to Services>Linux Desktop

4- Double click on the new linux desktop that will appear in the central panel to connect to the machine

5- You will enter in the nbdcalc01 computer (Nexus office) where you can visualize and calculate schordinger jobs

6- Open a terminal and run the next commands to deactivate the screen lock: (Temporal step until we fix it with nice distributors)

  • gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled false

  • gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true