Software development papers

PPI-PELE: Monte Carlo simulations using PELE to identify a protein-protein inhibitor binding site and pose


Frag-PELE: Dynamic Ligand Growing within a Binding Site. A Novel Tool for Hit-To-Lead Drug Design


MSM-PELE: A Monte Carlo Based Protocol for the Estimation of Absolute Binding Free Energies.


Adaptive-PELE towards interactive protein-ligand modeling


AquaPELE: A Monte Carlo-Based Algorithm to Sample the Effects of buried Water Molecules in Proteins.


DFFR: A New Method for High-Throughput Recalibration of Automatic Force-Fields for Drugs


Exploring the Conformational Landscape of Bioactive Small Molecules


Bioactive Conformational Ensemble Server and Database. A Public Framework to Speed Up In Silico Drug Discovery
